Performance Trim
Your horse's deserve the very best in hoof care, & it all starts with a solid, reliable trim.
Without rock solid basics, your horse is at risk of developing more serious issues down the road, including thrush, cracks, or worse
Here at Finger Lakes Forge, we pride ourselves on providing the most thorough trim and hoof assessment available.
Our dedicated Performance Trims are the ounce of prevention your horse's need to thrive.
We approach this process from a holistic point of view, first assessing the overall condition of your horse and it's hooves.
Trimming involves using brushes or hoof knives to clean the bottom of the hoof of debris & loose material. Hoof wall extending beyond the natural sole plane of the foot is cut off, planed flat with a course file, & balanced in relation to the rest of the horse's limb.
Without rock solid basics, your horse is at risk of developing more serious issues down the road, including thrush, cracks, or worse
Here at Finger Lakes Forge, we pride ourselves on providing the most thorough trim and hoof assessment available.
Our dedicated Performance Trims are the ounce of prevention your horse's need to thrive.
We approach this process from a holistic point of view, first assessing the overall condition of your horse and it's hooves.
Trimming involves using brushes or hoof knives to clean the bottom of the hoof of debris & loose material. Hoof wall extending beyond the natural sole plane of the foot is cut off, planed flat with a course file, & balanced in relation to the rest of the horse's limb.
Half Set
Your horse carries roughly 60% of their weight on their front feet.
Without the right kind of support, your horse will not be able to effectively perform their job, or even stay sound. Front shoes are most often selected for horses who are in very light training, occasional work, or with minimal soundness management needs. Virtually every shoe we make is custom fit to your horse's hooves and expertly applied, providing your companion or athlete with the advantages they need APPROX 1 HOUR |
Full Set
Over 73% of horses shod by Finger Lakes Forge are fit with a full set of four horseshoes, making it the most popular option. Our clients value their horse's well-being above all, and recognize that a Full Set of horseshoes is one of the most economical investments you can make in any horse's career - ensuring their hooves are prepared for the road ahead, and providing them with all the protection, traction and comfort they need We are committed to providing your horses with the highest quality materials available within the industry, and applying appropriate shoe modifications to assist your athlete in reaching their fullest potential or your companion fully recover from injury and lameness.. This is the very best option for every horse in regular training or work, be that your competitive sport horse or lesson pony, & all equines with therapeutic needs. APPROX 2 HOURS |
Additional Services
Finger Lakes Forge proudly supplies a wide variety of additional services:
(not an exhaustive list)
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or learn more about Matthew S. Rice, CJF
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Still looking for more information?
Check out Resources from Finger Lakes Forge
or learn more about Matthew S. Rice, CJF
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